Ballot Design - Adding Multiple Candidates to a Ballot Question

Within many memberships, there can be multiple candidates interested in running for a given position within the organization. ElectionBuddy has an easy way for you to add all your candidates to the ballot so voters can make selections from all available choices.

The "Add Multiple" button allows you to add a list of candidates as opposed to entering the candidates into your ballot question one by one.

Add Multiple Candidates to a Ballot Question

  • Created a ballot question using the "+ Add Position or Question" button
  • Select the button "Add Multiple" below the list of current candidates
  • The "Add Multiple Choices" window will open
  • Type in candidate names, or copy and paste a list from any spreadsheet or document
  • Select "Add"


If you have a single candidate running for a position, please see Acclamations for Unopposed Candidates.

Jul 22, 2024