Choosing the Right Voting System

ElectionBuddy offers a range of voting systems to enable you to find the system that best aligns with your group's values, priorities, and goals for effective and representative governance. Various voting systems exist to address some of the concerns of voters such as fairness, accurate representation, diversity of candidates, strategic voting, and vote splitting.
Your choice of voting system for your ballot question impacts two vital parts of your election:

  • How your voters vote
  • How the votes are tallied

ElectionBuddy offers multiple voting systems to meet your voting needs. To be sure that you're picking the right one for your vote, this article will compare and contrast some of our voting systems to help guide you to the right choice.

Plurality vs. Approval

The Approval voting system is the most commonly misused voting system on our site. The Approval voting system is not the same as approving a bylaw amendment/budget/candidate. It cannot be used to do those types of votes.


Plurality vs. Cumulative


Preferential vs. Scored


For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen.

Feb 26, 2025