Sample Ballot Questions - Colleges and Universities

ElectionBuddy is the number one voting platform for College and University student governments, student clubs, faculty, and alumni associations by providing a secure democratic vote at an affordable price.

The team at ElectionBuddy has compiled the following example questions to assist with your vote setup. We encourage you to refer to the organization's voting rules to ensure you use the appropriate voting method and verbiage.

Board Election

Voters choose the number of candidates based on vacancies. The candidates with the most votes win.


Executive Officer Elections

Similar to electing board members, voters select 1 candidate and the candidate with the most votes wins. This is known as Plurality Voting.


Meeting Votes

Another Yes/No question that is common for colleges and universities, voters vote for or against the minutes from the last meeting. Similar to other Yes/No votes, this can be set up using Plurality voting and Yes/No ballot options.


These are just a few of the ballot types you can create when using ElectionBuddy for your next vote. For more examples please see Ballot Samples.

For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen.