Election Setup - Overview

Welcome to ElectionBuddy! We aim to make ElectionBuddy easy for you to use, and easy for you to learn, by letting you run free test elections to your heart's content.

Test elections allow you to test all ElectionBuddy features. You can allow up to five voters in your voter list for a test election.

After you have created an account with ElectionBuddy, you will be prompted to choose what you would like to create. Choose the first item, Election, to start the setup process.


Start Your Setup

There are five steps or stages to creating an election:

1. Details
  • Enter the main details for your election, such as the name of the election, and start and end dates.
  • Security settings related to who can view the results of the election are configured here.
2. Ballot
  • Choose the voting system, the method by which votes are tallied and winners determined.
  • Enter the positions and questions that are going to appear on your ballot, as well as candidate profiles and photos.
  • Define the order of positions and order of choices/candidates on each question, including randomizing the order
  • Allow voters to abstain from voting, allow for write-ins, and capture comments
3. Notice
  • Specify the notification methods you would like to use to notify your voters to vote: email, SMS (text), post (mail), printed notices (that you distribute yourself), or manual access keys that you distribute.
  • You can also use a combination of these methods.
  • Customize the email, SMS, postal, and/or printed notice template, if you want - or stick to the default text.
4. Voters
  • Upload your voter list, or copy and paste voters from a document or spreadsheet.
  • If you're working with a small voter list, you can choose to type it in manually.
  • You can also import a voter list that you used in a previous election.
5. Review
  • Test the ballot to see how your voters will see it and use it, check the notice, review the voter list, finalize the election details, and agree to the terms and conditions.
  • Ensure you have planned for voters that may join your organization during the election time period.
6. Pay
  • Pay by Visa, MasterCard, or American Express. After you have paid, your election will start, or sit in a "Ready to Run" state if your election's start time is in the future.
  • Voters are notified automatically as soon as the election starts, and results will be automatically tallied.
  • Please note that test elections and elections with under 20 voters using basic features are always free.

For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen.

Jul 22, 2024