Create Notices Yourself - Distributing Access Keys Manually

Manual Access Keys are a 16-character code that can be emailed, phoned, or mailed to the voter. You can add keys to your word-processing documents; for example, in a mail merge. You can also add them to an e-newsletter blast, attached to a membership invoice, or even as part of a fax blast.

With all notice types, manual keys can be set up as your only notice type or can be used in combination with other notice types, such as Email or SMS.

Setting Up Manual Access Keys

  • On the Notice Page, select "Access Keys"
  • Then select "Continue to Voter List"


  • Under "Voter Information" input the number of access keys you need in the box.


Ability to Track Access Keys

There are several ways that you can set up the voter list depending on whether you want to be able to associate a specific voter with their access key in ElectionBuddy.

Associating Access Keys with the Voters

  • On the Voter Page, under Voter Options, select Ballot IDs.



Not Associating Access Keys with the Voters

  • No voter list will be required and you can just select "Continue with Review"


Downloading Access Keys

When your vote is "Ready", or "Running", you will be able to download your manual keys. These keys can be downloaded from the "Results" page of your vote in two ways:

Downloading Single Access Keys

  • On the Results Page, check the box next to the access key you want to download
  • To get the access key, select "Show Access Key"


  • A window will appear, confirming that you want to surface your voter's key. Select "Surface Key" and the key will appear on the window.
  • Take a record of the key, and close the window.
  • The voter's status will turn from "Available" to "Key Surfaced" in your voter list.


Downloading All Access Keys

  • On the Results Page, from the “Actions” dropdown menu, choose "Download Keys".
  • Choose to download for all voters, or download for just your voters with no contact information


  • If you need to distribute physical voting material to your voters, in addition to any electronic notifications they receive, choose "for everyone". However, if they have contact information, please note that this information cannot be updated once their key is surfaced.
  • To download just keys for your voters without contact information, choose "Voters with no contact information".
  • You have the option to download the keys and also include a QR code if needed.
  • You will be provided with a file of your voters' keys. The file will contain information about the website that voters need to visit to enter their access key and vote, as well as the access keys for each voter. The file will also contain ballot links for each of your voters' access keys.
  • A ballot link is a one-click process to access the ballot: the voter's access key is embedded in the link, so clicking the link brings the voter to the ballot and authenticates them in the same step.
  • All voters whose keys were downloaded will show their status as "Key Surfaced" in your voter list.

To vote, your voters simply need to visit where they will then be asked to enter their access key.

For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen

Mar 20, 2025