Test The Ballot

Testing the ballot is a crucial step in the voting process to ensure a successful voting experience for your voters. Testing the Ballot allows you to view the ballot from the perspective of your voters and ensure review for accuracy of details and information. Due to the importance of this step, it is a required check on the Review Page. This is an important step as it helps ensure:

  • The ballot is easy to understand
  • The information and instructions are presented properly
  • The question order is correct
  • The question criteria and settings are working as expected
  • The ballot works to the rules and bylaws of the organization
  • The ballot review and confirmation text are accurate

Testing the ballot is purely a simulation to ensure the ballot works. To complete the Test will need to complete the ballot as a voter would, and submit it. The results of this test are not reflected in the results, it is purely a simulation to ensure the ballot works.

Test the Ballot Process

The ballot test has three steps:

On the Review Page, the first Task is to "Test the Ballot". Selecting "Test" takes you to the vote-facing ballot.


  • A red banner will be at the top of the screen.
    • The top left link, "Ballot Design" takes you back to the Ballot Page to make updates.
    • The top right link, "Exit Test - Go to Review" stops the test and back to the Review Page. The Test the Ballot task will remain incomplete.


Ballot Selection

  • Make choices for all the questions as a vote would have to select "Continue".
  • If the requirements of the ballot are not met for selections (for example, not enough candidates are selected) ElectionBuddy shows a red error message outlining the requirements and outlines the requirements again.



  • ElectionBuddy then moves to the Review stage where you will see a summary of your choices. This is an important step as it asks you to verify your choices.
  • You can edit your choices by selecting "Edit" if you have changed your mind or made a mistake, this will take you back to the ballot to change your selections. You can also proceed with the current choices by selecting "Submit"



This last page confirms the vote has been submitted. This is the end of the Ballot Test, however, there are three options in green at the top of the Confirmation Page.


Have Others Test

A window will open, asking you to enter the email addresses of up to five people to test the ballot. You will only see one email address space, but you can select the orange "Add more emails " link to open four more email address entry spaces.

The email that your testers will receive is not the same as the email notice your voters will receive in your Live vote. It simply informs them of what you're trying to accomplish and includes a link to your ballot. Any feedback will need to be sent directly to you and the administrator's email address from the account is outlined in the test ballot notice.

If the testers do not receive the email, you are unable to re-send it, so we suggest asking your voters to add invitations@mail.electionbuddy.com to their contact list to minimize the risk of them not receiving the email.


Edit the Ballot

If you notice something wrong and wish to update the ballot to correct it, you can select "Edit the Ballot" and this will take you to back the Ballot Page and allow you to make changes to the ballot design.


Continue with Review

If you are happy with the voting experience select this link and you will go back to the Review Page with the 'Test Ballot' now completed, and can proceed to complete the remaining items.


For other ways to test your setup, please see Test Voting. For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen

Mar 19, 2025