Video Conference Integration

To conduct a virtual meeting with MeetingVote, you and your voters would use ElectionBuddy to vote concurrently with Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, or any videoconference provider. Currently, video conference integration is available for MeetingVote.

Integrate a Video Conferencing Provider into your MeetingVote

Start by accessing your Account menu and selecting Organizations:


Select “Edit” for the Organization that is hosting the meeting.

Edit 3.jpg

Select the Meeting Page tab and then 'Edit' under Video Conference Integration:


Select your video conference provider:


Enter the link for your video conference. Instructions to find the link within Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams are shown at the bottom of this article, or you can also choose other videoconference providers, but test the link to ensure they properly open your videoconference for your voters.


Voter Experience

On the Meeting Page, a button and a link will appear allowing voters to join your virtual meeting after they vote:


Locate your Meeting Link

From your Zoom meeting, select the green Meeting Information icon. Select the Copy Link button.


Paste the link into the URL field at ElectionBuddy’s Videoconference Integration section as per the sample below and save:


For more information on using ElectionBuddy directly within your Zoom meeting, see: Video Conference Integration - Zoom

Google Meet

After starting your Google Meet, select the Meeting Details icon. Under the Joining info section, move your mouse over the link that starts with, Right-click, and select Copy.


In ElectionBuddy, in the Videoconference Integration URL field, add the Google Meet Link by using a right mouse click and selecting Paste. Then select 'Save':


Microsoft Teams

From your Microsoft Teams meeting, in the top right of the screen, select the More menu, then select Meeting info:


Using your mouse, right-click the Click here to join the meeting link, then select Copy:

In ElectionBuddy, in the Videoconference Integration URL field, add the Team's Meeting Link you just copied by using a right mouse click and selecting Paste. Then select 'Save':


For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen.

Mar 20, 2025