Video Conference Integration - Zoom

To conduct a virtual meeting with MeetingVote, you and your voters can use ElectionBuddy either concurrently or using the In-App Zoom Integration. Currently, video conference integrations are available for MeetingVote.

If you are using another video conference application, please see our article: Video Conference Integration.

Integrate a Video Conferencing Provider into your MeetingVote

Start by accessing your Account drop-down menu and selecting Organizations:


Select "Edit" for the Organization that is hosting the meeting.

Edit 3.jpg

Select the Meeting Page tab and then "Edit" under Video Conference Integration:


Select Zoom from the dropdown. Enter the link for your video conference. To get this link from your Zoom meeting, select the Meeting Info icon. Then select the Copy Link button.


Paste the link into the URL field at ElectionBuddy’s Videoconference Integration section as per the example below and Save. If you'd like your voters to use ElectionBuddy within Zoom, be sure to select the checkbox to "Run ElectionBuddy inside the Zoom Application" and select Save.

in zoom.jpg

In Zoom, select the "Apps" section and locate the ElectionBuddy App.

Apps new.jpg

After adding the ElectionBuddy App to Zoom, add the Meeting Page Link or Organization Key to the integration.


For more information regarding your Meeting Page Link or Organization Key, please see: Organization Meeting Page.

From here, when your Zoom meeting is running you can select "Initialize Zoom Voters" to start the ElectionBuddy voting process within Zoom for your voters.


For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen.

Mar 20, 2025