Sharing Results With Voters

Sharing the results of a vote is crucial for transparency, accountability, and democratic processes. Results can be shared with voters in several ways based on the needs of organizations, or to comply with state and country legislation.

For example, sharing results manually so you can control when to announce results, automatically at a specific date and time that has been agreed upon, in real-time during a meeting so the next business item can be moved onto, or delivered externally by your own method including a PDF attached membership communication.

  • From the "Actions" menu, select the “Voting Results” option available when your vote is Running, or Completed.



  • When "Voter Access to Results" has been set to "Only after voting ends" or "Anytime after voting starts" you will see a Results Link (shown above),
  • If "Voter Access to Results" has been set to "Voters can't view - Administrators only" no link is shown. To update this setting please see Changing Voters Ability to View Results.
  • Share Results by selecting the "Copy" button and pasting the link to any method you would like to share with voters. For example, it can be posted on your website, social media, or sent by email.

Have ElectionBuddy Email or Text message Results

From the "Actions" menu of your Completed vote, select "Share Results".


  • Select "+ Schedule and Edit Results Email”.


  • Edit the Title and add any additional instructions for voters.
  • Select a Date and Time for the results to be sent. If you want to send it out right away, type "Now" into the Send Date box.
  • Select "Schedule" to save your changes. The Email or SMS message will be sent at the scheduled time.


Display Results by Screen Sharing

You can share results directly from ElectionBuddy to voters by selecting the results tab on the Results Page, and then, as the administrator, share your screen on Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, or another video conferencing tool. Once the results have been presented for the required amount of time, you can stop sharing.


The Results Center allows you to share voting results publicly in a central location. Share the Results Center link with voters by email or add it to your website or member portal.

  • From the "Account" menu select "Organizations".


  • Choose Edit for the organization you are using for your meeting:


  • Select the Results Center tab.


You can customize the Results Center to meet your needs in the following ways:

  • Organization Logo: Displayed at the top of the Results Page. You can Add, Edit, or replace the logo as needed.
  • Results Page URL: Link for voters to access the Results Page. Edit the URL, and use the Copy button to share the link with voters.


  • Enter a Results Page Title, and Results Page Directions to help guide the voters.


  • Select votes and use the arrows (< >) to move votes between "Votes Not Shared", and "Vote Shared". Votes can be moved between the two boxes.
  • All votes listed under "Votes Shared" will be accessible to voters from the Result Page.
  • Select Save.
  • Open the Result Page to view the vote results being displayed to voters.


  • After accessing the Results Page link, select "View" to see the results of each vote.


Download or Print Results to Share Externally

Sending results outside of ElectionBuddy can occur for various reasons. Results may need to be made available to a wider audience, such as stakeholders who are not eligible voters, or regulations and legal requirements mandate the sharing of results outside of the application.

Overall, sending results outside of ElectionBuddy can support various objectives, including collaboration, accessibility, compliance, and communication. However, it's important to consider security, privacy, and data protection implications when sharing information externally to mitigate risks and ensure the integrity of the vote.

Please see Results and Reports - Voting Results

For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen

Jul 19, 2024