Running Votes in Other Languages

Providing a voting experience in other languages can be important for several reasons, especially if your organization has members from different parts of the world, or has voters who are more comfortable with a language other than then English. It helps make the democratic process more accessible and fair for all eligible voters.

ElectionBuddy provides ballots in the most used languages for every world region, over 30 languages are currently available. Below is a list of available languages to support directly through ElectionBuddy. If you need a language not currently offered, please contact us.

Vote Results and the ElectionBuddy application are currently only available in English


Don't see your language? You can Request a language.

Voters can Select a Language on the Ballot

Voters have the ability to change their language while they are casting their votes. Changing the language will automatically translate all of the ElectionBuddy default text. If you edit or add text in your vote, that additional information will not automatically translate.


Details Page Setup

During setup, the "Primary Language" for your vote is chosen on the Details Page, under Organization Details. This will update the default language the ballot initially displays in.


Ballot Page Setup

Voters can choose to change the language from a language menu at the top of the ballot. When changed, all buttons, and instructions to submit their vote will be displayed in the selected language.

ElectionBuddy allows default instructions to be edited with custom instructions by the administrator. This is essential for providing direction for processes that fall outside the voting process, however, these will not be translated automatically by ElectionBuddy.

To add additional instructions there are several places in which to enter custom text.

Ballot Information and Instructions

The ballot has an optional text box where custom information can be added. Add your additional information in all languages you require. For more details please see Ballot Information and Instructions.


Voter Instructions

For each question on your ballot, you can add additional voter instructions (in addition to the default instructions).

The default instructions will be translated into the language selected automatically. However, if you add instructions, add the information in all languages you require. For more details, please see Ballot - Voter Instructions

Ballot Review and Confirmation Pages

The default wording of the Review and Confirmation page will automatically be translated into the selected languages.

If you need to add additional messaging, or other languages outside of what is selected, select the Customize Ballot Review and Confirmation Information option to add additional instructions to the Ballot Review and Ballot Confirmation page in additional languages.


Notice Page Setup

ElectionBuddy does not currently provide translations for notices, however, the default notice templates include a text box where the administrator can add information in another language.

To replace the default English text completely, select Advanced Notice Customization and replace the entire default notice text with the desired language. Please note that all {{variables}} in the notice need to remain in English.


Advanced Notice Customization


For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen

Mar 7, 2025