Submitting Paper Ballots

Some voters prefer voting using a paper ballot for various reasons such as Internet access, lack of a compatible device, not being comfortable with technology, or bylaws specific to your organization To accommodate these voters you can submit their ElectionBuddy Paper Ballots so they are included directly in the results.

When voters have returned their ElectionBuddy Paper Ballot printed from the vote, you can enter them easily in one of two ways.

Submitting a Paper Ballot

  • Select the vote, and this will bring you to the Results Page.
  • From the “Actions” menu, choose Paper Ballot Entry.


The voter’s 8-digit Ref number is located at the top right of their ballot and entered in the Ref field:

You can type the ballot number in and then use the “Enter” key (or select “Search”) to locate the paper ballot you want to enter.

If the ballot is found you will see a green message that says “Ballot Found”.

If it is “Not Found” you will get a blue message stating “Ballot NOT Found”, while if the ballot has already been submitted your message will say “Ballot already Submitted” in red. Lastly, if the ballot was spoiled you’ll see “Ballot Spoiled” in yellow. Type the enter key to clear the Ref box.

When you have the green message either press “Enter” again or select “Access Ballot” to begin entering the voter’s choices.

Entering the Voter's Choice

Keyboard Entry

If your vote uses Quorum or Proxy voting, you can enter either by selecting the associated number at the top of the page.


Each Ballot question is identified by a letter, alphabetically, and the available ballot choices are numbered.

If the voter chooses to vote on the ballot, you can go to the next question by pressing the “Enter” key or using “A-Z”  to select the question. Be sure to hit “Enter” to lock in that question.

Then make your selection using keypad numbers “1-9” and press “Enter” to lock that answer in. If a voter abstains on a ballot question, enter the number “0”. Pressing “Enter” again will move you to the next question on the ballot.

You can continue through to the Confirmation page by using the “Enter” key as well!

Until you submit the ballot and receive this confirmation :

Then enter the next Reference (Ref) number and using Enter to continue.

Mouse Entry

The paper ballot entry area emulates the online ballot page. You can use your mouse to make selections just like on an online ballot. Once you have made choices, select "Continue."

Review the ballot before submitting it.

Ballot Entry Validation Errors

If your ballot has an error, you will receive an error message at the top of the ballot page:


Error details are outlined above the question where the error is located so you can easily find it and correct it:

For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen

Feb 25, 2025