Surfacing an Access Key

Surfacing a voter's access key is a way to view that voter's unique 16-digit key in a high-integrity vote. You may want to surface your Voter's Access Key if they have not received their email notice, for example, or if you want to cast a vote on behalf of a voter who cannot access a computer.

Surface and Share an Access Key

  • Click on your Vote in the Dashboard to be brought to that vote's "Results" page.
  • Find the ssociated voter by entering their email address into the search box of the voter list (you can also search by their Ballot ID/SMS/Name/Postal address if using those features)
  • If the voter has contact information entered, it cannot be updated once their access key is surfaced.
  • To surface the access key, select the checkbox associated with the voter whose access key you'd like to surface, and then from the drop-down menu that appears, click on the "Show Access Key" link:


  • Share the access key with the voter by emailing it to them with your own email program, or phoning the voter and sharing the access key in a confidential manner.
  • Direct voters to From there, they will see the screen below, prompting them to enter their access key:

surface access 2.jpg

For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen.

Mar 18, 2025