Closing a Vote Early

At times, there may be changes in your organization's voting needs or the time frame for a vote where you need to formally close your vote early or pause or suspend voting. ElectionBuddy allows you to quickly and easily close a vote before its scheduled end date and time by manually closing your vote.

Closing a Vote From the Dashboard

  • Go to your Dashboard
  • Select the box next to the vote you want to close early
  • From the Actions menu, select "Close"
  • A message asking for confirmation will appear, select "OK**"** to close the vote


Closing a Vote From the Results Page

  • Go to your Results Page of the vote you want to close early
  • From the Actions dropdown menu, select "Close Now"
  • A message asking for confirmation will appear, select "OK**"** to close the vote


If you are looking to simply extend your vote end date and time, please see Changing or Extending Dates and Times

To re-open a vote, please see Re-Opening a Closed Vote.

For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen