Voter List - "Undeliverable" Voter Status

During your vote, a voter on your voter list on the Results page may be marked with an Undeliverable status, which means:

  • An Email or SMS notice couldn't be delivered
  • We received a "bounce-back" message from our Email or SMS providers

Determining Why a Notice is Undeliverable

The most common causes for an undeliverable email or SMS notice include:

  • The email address or mobile phone number is incorrect
  • The email or mobile phone number was caught by the recipient's spam filter
  • The recipient's inbox is full

To determine why a notice is undeliverable:

  • Go to the Results page
  • Go to the Voters tab
  • Select All/None or Undeliverable from the All Statuses dropdown menu
  • Select the box next to the voter whose status you want to investigate
  • Select Undeliverable History from the Actions dropdown menu:


  • The Undeliverable Messages window will open; the bounce-back message will be displayed:


Common Undeliverable Statuses

SMS (Text):

  • Invalid Phone Number -  SMS number is incorrect and does not exist
  • Blocked Number - SMS number has blocked messages from ElectionBuddy
  • Could not be reached - the voter could not be reached by SMS


  • Invalid Email Address - Email Address is incorrect or does not exist
  • Email Bounced - Email inbox has rejected the notice
Resending a Notice to a Voter

Before you resend a notice to a voter, contact them to confirm:

  • Their contact information is correct
  • The notice isn't in their spam/junk folder:

Your voter's response determines how to resend their notice:

ElectionBuddy doesn't send reminders or notices to an email address or mobile phone number with deliverability issues and has been tagged with the Undeliverable status, as it increases the risk our company may be flagged as exhibiting spam-like behaviors. However, we will resend the notice to the voter if their email address or mobile phone number is changed.

For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen

Mar 18, 2025