Adding Administrators to Organizations

Having additional administrators on an account can be beneficial for various reasons. Multiple administrators can allow for the distribution of responsibilities and workload, providing redundancy if one administrator becomes unavailable. Roles and permissions should be appropriately set up based on your organization's specific needs and requirements.

All organizations in ElectionBuddy accounts can have 2 administrators.

Adding Additional Administrators

From your Account drop-down menu, select "Organizations".


Select one or more organization box to the left in order to access the + Add User option.


Choose Administrator role

Enter the administrator's First Name, Last Name, and Email address. Then choose from the 3 Administrator Roles. Select the role that is appropriate for your new administrator.

  • Organization Administrator: Creates, edits, and manages votes, settings, and administrators
  • Election Administrator: Creates, edits, and manages all votes
  • Vote Monitor: Monitors voters and views voter information and reports

If the new administrator should have a different role in each organization, add the administrator to each organization separately.


Email Confirmation

If the Administrator is new to ElectionBuddy, they will receive an email welcoming them to ElectionBuddy and your organization. They will see all organizations to which they were invited in their welcome email. Directions are provided for your new user to create a password and access their new account.

Administrators that already have an ElectionBuddy account will be able to access your organization the next time they log in using their current credentials.


Administrator Account Status

To view the status of your invitation, and all other users for a particular organization, select the "Administrators" tab for the organization.

Users that are new to ElectionBuddy, will appear as unconfirmed until they verify their account and create a password.


Changing Administrator Role

To change the role of a specific administrator in your organization, use the Role drop-down for the administrator, and it will automatically save. Only Owners and Organization Administrators can add and change Roles.


Removing Additional Administrators

On the Organization Page, under the "Administrators" tab, select "Remove" to the right of the administrator you wish to remove.


Need more than 2 administrators?

Select "Buy an Annual Plan" under the Administrators Tab.


Assigning Administrators from the Primary Organization

From the Primary Organization’s Administrators tab, Owners and Organization Administrators can quickly move administrators between organizations by selecting “+Assign”.


Select which organization(s) the administrators should be assigned to by selecting the name of the organization and the arrow facing right to move the organization from “Unassigned Organizations” (organizations the administrator is not assigned to) to “Assigned Organizations” (organizations the administrator is assigned to).

Select multiple organizations to add/remove an administrator from multiple organizations at once.


You can remove the administrator from an organization by selecting an organization from “Assigned Organizations” and the arrow facing left.

Select “Close” to save the changes.

Transfer Ownership to New Administrator

To transfer ownership of the Account and All organizations connected to the account, update the account's email address on the Profile page. You can change the account email by Updating or Changing Account Information. Avoid adding the new owner as an additional administrator first, when possible.

If they're already an administrator you can transfer organization(s) to them using the Transfer button located in the "Administrator" section of your account.

Transfer Org 1.png


For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen

Mar 6, 2025