Ballot Page - Overview

The Ballot Page of your vote setup is the reason behind your vote. There are many ways to customize this page, so please be sure to refer to your by-laws to ensure you follow the voting rules established by your organization.

Adding Positions and Questions

In the Wizard, select your Position or Question Type. If you’re unsure, you can click on the Sample link to the right of each type to view an example of each. Once you’ve made a selection, select Continue:


You can learn more about using a question you’ve already created here: Using a Prior Ballot Question

On the next screen, enter your Position or Question title any candidate names or options voters will be choosing from, and select Continue.


This will create the ballot item using the information entered.

2409 Ballot Page Overview.png

Ballot Information and Instructions

The ballot information and instructions will appear at the top of the ballot. Here you can include additional information for your voters. You can customize this section with variables (optional).


Positions and Questions

Question Title

You can make edits to the title that was entered as needed, or overwrite this information completely.


Question Details

ElectionBuddy allows you to add additional text or add an attachment of a single file to each Ballot Question or Position. The file type can be JPEG, PNG, or PDF, and up to 5MB in size. Please see Attaching a File to Positions or Questions.


Ballot Question Settings

Optional settings are available for each question on your ballot; you can select one or more of the following:


Voter Instructions

ElectionBuddy provides default wording for the voting instructions based on the voting method and the ballot settings enabled (Random Order, Ask for Comments, Write-ins, Abstain). There is also the option to disable the default voter instructions and allow administrators to create their own voter instructions. Please see Ballot - Voter Instructions.


Advanced Ballot Customization

ElectionBuddy offers several ways to customization the ballot towards your organization. You can;


Preview Ballot

Ensure you create the best vote experience by testing the ballot. The aim is to run through the ballot from the perspective of your voters to ensure a successful voting experience. Your choices are not recorded - it is purely a simulation to ensure the ballot works. For a full overview, please see Testing the Ballot.


For additional help on Ballot setup and design please see.

For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen.

Sep 30, 2024